Radically simple carbon accounting

You'll wonder why everyone else does it the hard way

of greenhouse gas emissions are indirect ...

They are embodied in the materials, products, and services you buy.
Yet they start as direct emissions somewhere in your supply chain.

... use Neoni® to find them

Our difference

More precision, less effort

Adaptable and versatile

What people say...



  • Easily prepare carbon accounts
  • Share data with your customers who use Neoni®
  • Improve the accuracy of your accounts by inviting your suppliers to use Neoni®
Easily prepare carbon accounts


  • View reports and dashboards
  • Publish progress to 3rd parties
  • Satisfy minimum compliance and disclosure requirements
View reports and publish progress


  • Get advanced insights about your specific suppliers and product lines
  • Inform actions that are most effective to decarbonise your operations
Get insights about your supply chain

About us

The Neoni® App is built by iSumio Ltd

Our vision

We want to help you know all kinds of value as easily as price. This will enable a fairer economy and more prosperous world.

  • Organisations need to improve their impact on people and planet
  • Consumers are demanding more sustainability
  • Employees want to do good whilst going well
  • Government regulations are becoming tougher

Greenhouse gas emissions are only the start. In time, all organisations will need better systems to manage non-financial issues – such as biodiversity, contamination of waterways, labour conditions, fair pay, and so on.

Ultimately, the data about your impact belongs to you – it is your asset, not only the purview of rating agencies or third party analysts. Reliable impact data is a competitive advantage.

We are guided by a simple mantra – radical simplicity.

Our journey

In 2021 we won a challenge set by the Scottish Government: “how can technology help manufacturing businesses decarbonise while building resilience and strengthening competitive advantage?” After demonstrating a functional prototype, we secured a government contract to build our Neoni® software.

We were invited to present our innovation at COP26 in Glasgow, and were selected for the Scottish TechScaler programme as well as the High Growth Venture Portfolio of Scottish Enterprise.

Independently of our work, in 2021 Prof Robert Kaplan (Harvard University) and Prof Karthik Ramanna (University of Oxford) published articles outlining what they called the E-Ledger Method for carbon accounting. They say it is a common-sense approach – we agree because our Neoni® methodology and the E-Ledger Method are the same. This is mutually validating.

Please join our journey by registering for our beta testing programme.

The E-Ledger Method

Video courtesy of the E-Liability Institute